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Nandini can continue her studies…

Dear Prem and Swarn, Akiko, Satish, Greg and Monica, Allison, Jerame, Dan and Mishele, David, Ray and Lael, and Rajeev,

7 years old Nandini is a student in grade 1 at Isha Vidhya. Her parents are daily wage laborers earning a monthly income of Rs.2500 ($55). With this amount, the family has to not only meet the basic needs of three people but also be prepared for medical emergencies. This income does not suffice under such circumstances and they find it extremely difficult to manage if someone falls ill.

Nandini’s parents realize the value of a good education for their child, and they ensure that she attends school regularly. Nandini is a very good dancer and participates in all school functions and festivals.  She loves the plants and trees and colors around her.

Your generous donation of a month of tuition, Prem and Swarn, David, Greg and Monica (x2), Akiko (x2), Ray and Lael, Satish, Allison, Jerame, Misheles and Raj, enables Isha Vidhya to provide a year of tuition for Nandini. Thank you for enabling her to continue her studies!

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