This impact story was published by Isha Vidhya. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Dharshini is a bright child!

Dear Craig, Sarah, Luke and Ani, Chris and Emily, Molly, Michael, Thomas, Ted and Pam, David, and Shravan,

Dharshini is  a 6 years old child,  very good in studies.

She has  one sister and and brother and her parents are  farm coolies. They live in the interior village of Nagercoil.

Their monthly income  is a mere Rs.3000 ($67) with which they have to manage their food, clothes and shelter for the five member family which is nearly impossible.

Children wear their  uniforms at home for daily wear as they have no other change of clothes.  Her school, Isha Vidhya provides them with good quality education and a conducive environment to study.

Thanks to your kind support, Ted and Pam, Sarah, Molly, David, Craig, Michael, Thomas, Luke and Ani, Chris, Shravan (x3), Darshini can attend another year of school.

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