This impact story was published by Isha Vidhya. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Sivalingam is thrilled to receive new uniforms!

Dear Peter,

Sivalingam has just started Kindergarten at Isha Vidhya in Tamil Nadu, South India.

Both of his parents are farm laborers, who make very little money from the day jobs they sporadically find.  Without the free education provided by Isha Vidhya and supported by generous donors like you, it would be impossible for Sivalingam to go to school.

Thanks to some kind donors, Sivalingam’s full year of tuition was taken care of, eight months back because of which he was able to start kindergarten.

In addition to excellent computer-based, English medium education, he will now  receive a set of two school uniforms, thanks to your generous gift, Peter.

Thanks Peter, for supporting Sivalingam and motivating him to attend school regularly.

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