This impact story was published by Isha Vidhya. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Saranya is an all rounder!

Dear Guthrie, Luis, Pooja, Lee, Tushar, Digvijay, Craig, Cindy, Dean and Julie, Dwayne and Terese, Elena and Shanen, and Chris,

Saranya is a 7 year old girl studying in class 1.  She has an older sister studying in class 3 in the same school.  Her father is an assistant TV mechanic in an electronic repair shop nearby and has to work long hours and barely earns enough to meet the basic needs of the family.  Saranya is very good  in studies and actively participates in all cultural activities. She loves attending school and travels a long distance to go to school.

Thanks to the generous donations of Digvijay, Tushar, Craig, Pooja, Elena and Shanen, Cindy, Lee, Dwayne and Terese, Dean and Julie, Guthri, Luis (x2), Saranya’s school tuition for an entire year has been taken care of.

And thank you, Chris, for donating a set of two school uniforms to Saranya.

This comes as a big relief to her family who was finding it difficult to pay for her education along with managing other needs.

Thank you very much, all of you for coming together to support Saranya’s education. Your gifts are much appreciated!

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