This impact story was published by Isha Vidhya.
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posted March 28, 2011
Five year old Santhya studies in Upper Kindergarten in a school run by Isha Vidhya in Tamil Nadu. She is a very quiet and reserved child, who doesn’t like taking to others. She rarely joins in the energetic games that her classmates play, and prefers to play with dolls instead.
Santhya is the oldest of three children. Her father is an unskilled laborer who works for daily wages. If he is lucky enough to find work every day, he earns about Rs.2500 ($ 56) per month, which is barely sufficient to meet the basic needs of the family. When he finds it difficult to get work, the family has to go hungry for days on end, or depend on others to help them survive.
Since Santhya rarely has enough to eat, she finds it difficult to concentrate on her schoolwork. Your donation, Laurent will enable Isha Vidhya to provide a hot, nutritious meal to Santhya every day. This will not only ensure that she doesn’t have to starve if her father doesn’t find work, it also ensures that her family sends her to school regularly.
Santhya lives in a village near Vizhupuram. Since public transportation is virtually non-existent in the area, Santhya’s parents found it very difficult to get her to school. Your donation, Laurent, will enable Isha Vidhya to provide transportation to get Santhya to school everyday.
Thank you, Laurent, for ensuring that Santhya’s stomach is full, and she is able to attend school. Every additional year of schooling that Santhya gets will increase her chances of escaping an early marriage and pregnancy, and of becoming economically self-sufficient.
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