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Little Aesop loves drawing!
posted April 26, 2012

Aesop, studies in grade three in a school run by Isha Vidhya in Tamil Nadu. His father is an LIC (Life Insurance Corporation) agent and his mother is a housewife. His father barely earns Rs. 4,000 ($89) per month, which is barely sufficient to meet the needs of the six member family. Aesop has three more brothers of school-going age. Many a times, in cases of medical emergencies, their savings get depleted and the family often goes without proper food for days on end.
Aesop, consequently, is highly anemic, and the hunger makes it difficult for him to concentrate on his work. Your generous donation, Glen, will enable Isha Vidhya to provide a hot, nutritious meal to Aesop every day, for an entire year. This will not only ensure that the boy doesn’t have to starve, it also ensures that his family sends him to school regularly.
Aesop lives in a village which is some distance away from the school, and though his father is willing to drop him off and pick him up, the time spent in doing so resulted in lost wages for the family. There would also be days when Aesop was forced to stay away from school because his father was too busy. Thanks to your generosity, Venkat, Aesop will be able to attend school without any trouble.
Thank you, PV, Anand, Stefanie and Ramesh, for coming together to provide an entire year of tuition and study materials to Aesop. He can now script his one fairy tale!
Aesop comes from a family where new clothes are a rarity. He loves the two uniforms that have been given to him because of your generous donation, Indu, and he promises to keep them neat and clean. Thank you.
Thank you for coming together to ensure that Aesop gets a good education. You have helped him script his own fairy tale.
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