This impact story was published by Isha Vidhya.
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posted February 21, 2013
Swetha is in the fifth grade at the school run by Isha Vidhya in Tamil Nadu, India. Her father is a laborer and can support the family only when he finds work. Swetha’s mother is a housewife that can only afford to send Swetha to school with additional help.
Isha Vidhya is an organization that works to support children like Swetha who cannot afford to attend school without external aid. Isha provides Swetha with uniforms, transportation, and school materials because she would not be able to afford these amenities with only her parents’ support.
Swetha is very happy to attend school and receive an education. Because of her poor economic background, the meals provided by Isha will often be the only meal she receives during the day. With this incentive, Swetha’s parents will continue to send her to school so she can better her future.
Thank you, Sunny, for supporting Swetha by providing her with a year of education and so much more. Thank you, Jeeva, for providing Swetha with the uniforms necessary to attend school. She is excited to continue her education. Isha could not afford to support Swetha without your help, Sunny and Jeeva.
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